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gFam for

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Reimagining social media —

gFam mozfest

Can you imagine the first person that really pitched 'user generated content' as a money-making idea? The concept that other people would create content for you, you'd slip some ads in and make all the money?

We're now at a place where Facebook was many people (and honestly some entire countries) first entry point to the internet and a few tech companies make billions from the efforts of 3.96 billion people. Amazing.

Project overview is a platform that is all about creators.

One thing that unites all of humankind; past and present is story-telling. We love it. Creators are story-tellers and provides creators with easy avenues to monetize the content their audience loves.

Creators post to and their audience can tip them to reward them and encourage the creation of more content that they love and/or reward them with micropayments through a subscription. This type of subscription rewards all the creators that subscribers spend time with.

Creators get 100% of the tip from their audience within 3 seconds paying no fees whatsoever.

To date creators have received $13K USD worth of tips from their fans, audience and global family.

Web-monetization has eliminated the need for advertising, 'advertiser-friendly content' and algorithms. There's no system to try and game... creators can just post the content they love creating.

Project team

Instagram post

This is me, Adam aka AussieNinja. I'm running the project and pulling in help where needed... which is a lot because, well, I've had to learn so much in building up this platform.

What we are doing has been live for about 8 months, and we're extremely busy building up the features and trying to convince creators to join us.

We're launching a ton of new fun features on the 1st of March 2021. Launching an entire social media platform is not easy... nor is enticing creators onto the platform. The most overwhelming feedback we've gotten is that it seems too good to be true so it must be a scam. Which is a huge shame and we honestly never expected education to be such a massive part of our mission.

What community support would benefit your project?

Obviously if you're interested in earning from the content you love creating, jump onto and start posting.

If you know any creators who are frustrated with trying to monetize their content on traditional social media because they don't want to; spend hours gaming the algorithms, become brand ambassadors, sell exclusive content, develop merchandise or courses, etc then please send them our way or ask them connect with us on any of the links below...

Link Round Up!

Here is our most recent Grant For The Web report:

Highlight other projects

One piece of work that absolutely blew us away was this story/comic/animation/game:

We absolutely love the creativity that web-monetization opens up.

If it's possible for one platform to have another platform as a best friend, then is definitely BFFs with MG.Social

This social media platform has absolutely everything! Creators can receive tips, web-monetization micropayments, friends, groups, comments, a mobile app. It's incredible and it's rate of development is amazing.

This video that MG.Social produced explains web monetization better than any other piece of content I've seen:

Of course would never have existed if it wasn't for the amazingly supportive platforms and communities of Cinnamon and Coil:

Thanks for reading!

Top comments (14)

ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave • Edited

It's not surprising that education is your biggest hurdle at present. Education, community building, and marketing are all key pieces when it comes to launching a normal tech product, that many people initially undervalue. With web monetization and cryptocurrency, thats a whole world that many people don't understand yet. I might have thought it was too good to be true too, had my Master's advisor not nudged me in the direction of Grant for the Web. And if I had't already been interacting with you and Mateo, xumm would have likely made me very nervous.

I am glad I joined gfam and am enjoying exploring the space.

A few things I've noticed in my first few days there, which are growing hurdles:

  • the community needs more engagement (you are doing a great job of that, but in order to encourage others to do that, it would help if users got a notification when someone commented on their photo or replied to a comment that they made)
  • a greater diversity of content is needed (if you want to attract in photographers, storytellers and media, you need examples of content that go beyond people simply taking selfies of themselves)
  • the thumbnails of images are a little on the small side at the moment, so are not drawing people in at present in an impactful way (this also means that you can't make out the details on some of the more interesting photos, in the thumbnails)

I will share gFam in a few of travel media groups and see if I can entice a few to try it out, as there are some good photographers there and people who are use to sharing a story.

Also when I get to the stage of building an open educational course on web monetization - which won't be for a few months, I will be sure to share gfam in there.

ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

Getting interest already in the travel media groups I've shared the posts in this morning. One question I received from a nature photographer was, "is gFam only for selfies"? This shines a light on my second point from above, as for many storytellers (myself included), there is little appeal in a selfie sharing photo community, but there is appeal in a photo sharing community. At any rate, I have told the nature photographer that the community is not limited to selfie sharing and that nature photos would be a refreshing addition.

gfam profile image

I think this actually might be partly my fault... and I'm not super sure where to go from here.

The early documentation I put out was all about sharing selfies as a means of story-telling... the problem I was trying to solve was people just sharing any image they found on the internet and receiving tips on them from unsuspecting consumers.

What I was envisioning was a platform where people would share their stories, their artistic processes, their struggles and their highlights, and complete that with a selfie to ensure that their post is theirs - and not just stolen from elsewhere on the internet.

What we've been building in, though, is a verification system that will include manual checks to ensure that an account owner is who they say they are... and once an account owner is verified the assumption is that their work is their own... which honestly is hard to verify.

The amazing thing and the hard thing about cryptocurrency is that once a payment is settled, it's immutable. So if someone tricks others into tipping them, there's honestly nothing we can do to get those funds back.

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gfam profile image

Once this functionality is released I'll need to redo the documentation to move away from selfies and onto images that either contain the account holder or were taken by the account holder.... with the provision that verification can be removed if people are found to be using images they don't own.

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ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

Ah yes, the challenge of photo piracy. Despite lessons on copyright and creative commons in the digital media courses I teach, I still deal with that issue with my media students (who should know better). Ultimately when I'm teaching, if they decide to ignore copyright, they get a rude awakening in their assignment grades. But when one is just looking at a small number of students, piracy can easily be checked. With a whole platform, that is not as easy.

I like your vision of 'people sharing their stories, their artistic processes, their struggles and their highlights, and complete that with a selfie to ensure that their post is theirs - and not just stolen from elsewhere on the internet.' The problem however is that for the most part you are not getting that. Rather self obsessive selfies, which I think many people are now tired of. Also as teacher of digital media and journalism, it is all about turning the camera outwards and capturing the stories around you.

It is okay if the early documentation suggested selfies, and then there is a shift to broader pictures as a whole, as it is expected that new platforms will change and evolve as find their niche and their rhythm.

The beauty is that the transition has already begun. Lilian for example, never shares selfies. I'll make a point of sharing non-selfies regularly to help create that shift.

From the platform end, you'd just want to make sure none of the main information when joining states the need for the photos to be selfies, and make sure that you state that photos shared must be member's own.

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ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

Sounds like you have a solid plan there for evolving.

gfam profile image

Thanks Erica! This is absolutely incredible feedback! Thank you so much for taking the time and putting in the effort (both here and on the site itself).

I'm really glad you've joined too and we've obviously got to get a lot better at that education piece.

We've actually got notifications coming... we're hoping to unleash them on the world next week.... but I completely agree about the lack of engagement. We're also launching the ability to tip comments and I'll be holding weekly prizes for 'most support comments' etc to help build that side up.

The selfie situation is something I've been working on. I've been actively seeking out story tellers to try and entice them to supplement their current social media strategies with gFam. My hope is that once people see that people providing valuable content getting more attention (views, follows, comments, tips) then that will encourage people to create and share the art bubbling inside of them rather than just doing the bare minimum. I've been tipping everyone who puts in some effort on the site, but eventually this will wind down as more story tellers join.

Amazing feedback about the thumbnails, I honestly hadn't given it any thought before. We are also launching User Profiles which will also have bigger thumbnails for previous posts so it'll be interesting to see how users relate, and if that means we'll need to change up the feed. Totally open to the idea I just hadn't considered it at all.

Thank you again for everything you've been helping with... hopefully together we'll build a fairer, more creative world!

ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

My pleasure, Adam. Telling stories interactively is my world, and I love contributing to ideas in shaping newer platforms, when I know the team behind is open to those ideas.

Coming from a media perspective, the thumbnail size is important, as it is people's first impression on the platform, and as the platform is about photo storytelling, it is important for the photos to standout. That piece is part of what will entice photographers in.

And thank you. I've been learning a lot from you about the whole crypto verse.

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gfam profile image

Absolutely. Now that you've mentioned the thumbnail size, it really does make sense. I don't necessarily want gFam to be all about the image, but you're totally right that it needs to entice people into clicking on the post.

You've very welcome! The crypto verse is super exciting and potentially world-changing, but as you've said, education is key.

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ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

Agreed. For me, the best communities are those where it has a true community feel to it, where people are interacting and taking an interest in each other, and where they can share their creativity and stories through both imagery and written word.

creativelivingfordancers profile image
Briana Stuart

Hey Adam! gFam looks really amazing! I'm looking to get more dancers creating content and I think your site would be a great place for the dance community. I just tried to go to your site, but it seems to be under construction. When will everything be up and running again? Thanks!

gfam profile image

Hi Briana!

Ahhhhhh, it was down momentarily today as we were working on a bug with our new Gated Feature content and preparing for a demonstration we were doing on the RippleXDev Twitch stream. We actually had a record breaking day today so please do try and log on again.

I really think dancers are perfect for the site. Their whole art is the art of story-telling which is what gFam is all about, they create incredible images and they need our support, particularly during the pandemic. Please let me know if you have any issues!

nickelndime profile image
Nick J

Love the quote buddy.... I think I'm gonna start saying it in person, and taking all the credit for it.

Thanks for the mention as well.

gfam profile image

Hahaha, how do you know we didn't steal it from you in the first place?

Of course! It's such an incredible piece of art, I hope everyone gets to enjoy it.